Philipsburg is four parallel streets squeezed between Great Bay, where the cruise ships dock, and Salt Pond, where salt was made many years ago.
The entire area has been improved greatly over the last few years. The harbor was dredged so that cruise ships could tie up at a new terminal. The sand from the dredging was used to replenish Great Bay beach and a boardwalk was built running the length of the beach. In addition, Front Street was beautified with paving stones, benches, new sidewalks, palm trees, and cast iron streetlights. Parking was eliminated, making the street a mile long shopping mall. New parking was added along Pondfill and at Bobby's Marina at the same time.

But this is about restaurants. They are everywhere and cater to most every taste. Créole, of course, but being only a few miles from French St Martin, so some French chefs ply their trade on the Dutch side.
Near the head of town (closest to the cruise ship piers) is Shiv Shakti, one of the finest Indian restaurants on the island. There are beach bars galore lining the boardwalk.